Springfield Black Stainless 1911 Rebuild

Springfield Black Stainless After Rebuilding and Beadblasting.

This build started life as a Springfield Armory Black Stainless. While it was a unique finish and a striking pistol, it was a bit too flashy for my tastes. I prefer a more subdued pistol and utilitarian finish. The build list consists of the following parts.

Novak .190 White Outline Tritium Front Sight.

10-8 .156 Rear Sight, 10-8 Gen 2 Slide Stop.

Cylinder & Slide Tactical II Hammer, Sear, and Disconnector, Long Aluminum Match  Trigger, Tactical Safety.

Wilson Combat Bullet Proof Extended Magazine Release, Firing Pin Stop, Extractor, Pin Set, Recoil Spring Guide and Plug.

Wolfe 18 lb. Recoil Spring and Extra Power Firing Pin Spring.

Smith & Alexander Magwell.

VZ Tiger Strip Double Diamond Grips.

All the parts were hand fitted and the pistol was dehorned. The area that needed the most attention was the bottom edge of the slide on each side in the area of the rear cocking grooves.

I blended the Smith & Alexander Magwell with the frame as well as contouring the rear corner of the magwell. Careful initial fitting with a Dremel and then final fitting with files and various grades of emery cloth yielded a nice fit. I contoured the corner to remove the sharp edge as well as the checkering which goes to the bottom edge of the stock magwell.

Smith & Alexander Magwell After Blending & Contouring.

I beadblasted the slide, frame and magwell. I blued the magwell with Brownells Oxpho-       Blue cold blue, however I degreased the magwell, then heat it to 200 degrees and warmed the bluing solution. I then dip the part in the solution followed by polishing with 0000 steel wool and repeat the process until the desired color is reached.

The feed ramp, breech face and take up rail were polished after the beadblasting to restore their smooth surface.

After careful cleaning to remove the blast media, the frame and slide were coated with Militec Lube which darkened the color and adds corrosion protection, as stainless steel is not completely rust proof.

Springfield Black Stainless Before Rebuilding and Beadblasting.

The pistol functions 100 % with 200gr. LSWC , 230gr. Ball and my preferred carry ammo, Corbon DPX. And as can be seen by the above photo, is more than accurate enough.

Be Safe.







































This entry was posted in 1911, Weapon Modifications by Bob Henckel. Bookmark the permalink.

About Bob Henckel

Bob Henckel is a Retired Police Officer and currently serves with his Counties School District as a Lead Campus Security Officer. He has 46 years combined Military and Law Enforcement experience. Bob has experience in Patrol, Training, Emergency Service Team Member and was the Senior Firearms Instructor and Armorer in his previous department. Bob also has over 35 years experience as a Firearms Instructor. He holds numerous Instructor Certifications in Pistol, Carbine and Shotgun. He is also a Certified Instructor in Concealed Carry, Force On Force, Active Shooter, NRA Advanced Pistol Instructor, ASP Baton and OC Spray.

5 thoughts on “Springfield Black Stainless 1911 Rebuild

  1. Nice work. I got to find a 1911 Armorer school. I really want to get into 1911’s. I like to be able to work what I carry. I don’t expect to be a Master 1911 Smith. I just want to do be able to work on the basic. I’ll leave the frame to slide dehorning and a intricate work to the Pros. I just want to do the basics.

    That is a great 1911 you did. Congrats.
    Nothing compares to a great trigger job on a 1911,

  2. Looks nice! I’ve been contemplating using a Springer RO for a base. I like what you did here, a lot of what I was thinking.

  3. I was surprised that it still looks black after the bead blasting. Is the steel itself black or is the treatment that blackens it so deep that it could be dulled and still be black?
    Very nice pistol.

  4. Great job on the pistol.

    What holster is the owb in the bottom pic?

    • Brian
      My OWB is an Alessi DOJ Open Port. I have the DOJ for every pistol I own. Great craftsmanship and customer service.

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