The start of another good day. 1000 rounds and a free range of steel targets. But that DAK trigger has got to go.
Day three started with a Delta Point on my P224-9 and 1000 rounds of 100gr frangible ammo. While sighting in the red dot, I decided that I had enough of the DAK trigger system. Don’t get me wrong, it is a great system, but it is just not for me. I walked into the gunsmith room at the Academy and begged our Martian Ninja Helicopter Pilot/ Gunsmith Brett Martineau to make it better. 10 minutes later I had a DA/SA SRT version of the P224-9 in my hand and was ready for the remaining ammo.

Brett made the DAK to DA/SA conversion for me in about 10 minutes. I would have taken 3 times as long.
Over the course of a few hours and with some help, I was able to get another 1000 rounds through the gun. This time I was able to duplicate the feedway malfunction from slide lock but only when using P226 or P229 magazines. It also required that I hold the extended part of the mag firmly enough to cause it to torque forward a bit in the mag well. I asked the big brain guys in engineering and they said the fix is in and will come in the form of an extension for the P229 magazine to fill the gap. It only happened two times and once I let up on the magazines while closing the slide it went away completely. I suspect one could still argue that it was a PEBGAG issue and be correct, but it is nice to know they are addressing this anyway.

The end of the day had it 1000 rounds older and with a new trigger system installed. The DA/SA SRT is what I am used to so it made sense for me to convert this gun.
The DA/SA made it much more familiar to me and shooting was a breeze. Running plate racks and dueling trees was effortless with the Delta Point. Even though the P224-9 is a small gun it was very easy to control and pleasant to shoot. I have to admit that 700-800 rounds is about all I can handle. It is a small gun after all. Extended shooting sessions, or rapid fire strings such as one would use in a gunfight, are still possible primarily because the gun weighs in at 29 ounces. With a little help from other folks on the range, the P224-9 made the full 1000 rounds with no additional oil and no stops for cleaning or cooling. So far I have had 3 feed way malfunctions caused by extended mag torque in 1700 rounds. If you count those 3 we still have a ratio of 3:1700.
We did take a few moments to run it at the 35 yard line with great success. The red dot sight allowed for fast and accurate shot placement and the gun held its own with three full magazines of hits on the torso steel. I just need them to clear off the 100 yard lines so I can give it a real go. I am planning to run this gun to 5000 rounds and call it good. If you have specific questions or things you want me to try that relate directly to this gun, please let me know.
I have the P224-9 Da/Sa Srt New in box… I have not had a chance to get some range time on it yet. I was pleasently suprissed that my 13 round P228/229 mags worked in the firearm as well and chambered a round with ease!! Have not had the range time to see if it runs well…. Just an FYI the 13 rnd P228/229 mag sticks out as far as the updated p229/226 e2 style mags!!!
I see your running a Deltapoint. How do you like that compared to the Trigy RMR? I’m really liking that pistol.
I have not run the RMR enough yet to have a valid opinion. I just installed on on my G19 so it will be a while before I could say.
Hilton is by far a better source of information that me on the red dots.
My Delta Point has held up well on this gun. I have well over 10k though the one on my P226-9 that I use for teaching and it is still running like a champ.
When you converted the gun to da/sa did you keep the dak trigger spring or did you use the 10lb spring that normally comes on a da/sa?