This post started out in draft (many months ago) as a review of the Panteao Productions video by Paul Howe, “Civilian Response To Active Shooters.” (Click on the image to read some of Paul Howe’s background).
I was a bit uncomfortable some might think I had strayed from my lane as I have no military combat experience, and neither my training nor my life or death experiences resemble Paul Howe’s. Thus, I changed this post to pose and (hopefully) answer the title question. I think a better term to describe the dynamic incidents addressed is “active killer,” so I use that term instead of the universally used term “active shooter.”
I know Paul Howe only by reputation, his videos, and the material he and others have posted on the internet about his classes and training facility, CSAT. If I had a training “bucket list,” a week or two at CSAT would be on it. Real operators I know respect him, his abilities, and doctrine. Paul’s video provides basic insight into civilian mindset, gear, and tactics appropriate to intervene in an active killer incident. Obviously, a safer intervention tactic would be simply to have Paul Howe with you and let him do the heavy lifting. You would stay out of the fight, help with the evacuation of innocents, and provide direction to sworn first responders (most importantly, describing the armed and qualified civilian responder who already entered and was in response mode). Unless you are Mrs. Paul Howe, that’s fantasy. Continue reading