About Jeremy Stafford

Jeremy Stafford is a full-time sworn Police Officer with over 15 years experience in the largest police agency on the West Coast. Jeremy has extensive operational and instructional experience and has worked a variety of assignments including patrol, narcotics, special problems, and counter terror. Jeremy is currently assigned to the Police Academy where he develops and updates lesson plans and programs including the Handgun Instructor Training School and the MACTAC (Multiple Attack Counter Terror Action Capabilities) curricula. Jeremy also spent 14 years in the Marine Corps and Marine Corps Reserve, with deployments to Iraq, Southeast Asia and the Horn of Africa. Jeremy received the Bronze Star with Valor device for combat operations in Iraq. Jeremy is a certified Krav Maga Black Belt and serves as the Chief Instructor for the Krav Maga Alliance Force Training Division, where he develops MIL/LE curriculum and certifies Military and Police Instructors all over the world.

Quick Peek, A First Look at the Surefire P3X Tactical


In the computer world there is an unofficial “law” first coined by Intel co-Founder Gordon E. Moore, that basically states that the amount of semi-conductors placed on a silicon chip (how much information that can be processed) will double every two years. The guys at Surefire must be in to computers, because just as I was getting used to my 500 Lumen fury and my 750 Lumen R1 Lawman, they upset the status quo with the new 1,000 Lumen P3X Tactical. I know that some other companies have crossed the 1,000 Lumen threshold already, but I trust that Surefire is going to work every time I press the button, that’s not something I can say of some of the after market add ons and competitors that I’ve had experience with. Continue reading

Hearing Protection… Pay Now or Pay Later

I thought I was going crazy. It started with and occasional high pitch ring in either one of my ears and was soon accompanied by vertigo. I would be carrying on a conversation and the next thing I know I’m almost falling over. After a little research, I realized that I was suffering from tinnitus, a common malady amongst returning combat veterans. I had known since returning from Iraq that I suffered from diminished hearing, especially when trying to isolate sounds, like when my wife was trying to talk to me while the TV was on…(Insert your own joke here), but the tinnitus was starting to affect my quality of life. Even though there’s not much I can do about fixing my hearing issues, it got me thinking about what I could do to keep them from getting worse.

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“Ball and Dummy” Drills Have Been Around for Over A Hundred Years For A Very Good Reason – They Work!

These venerable drills have lasted because of their effectiveness and have bridged the mainstream transition from revolver to semi auto pistol. I have a Police manual from the 1930’s that describes the drills in detail, so while Col. Cooper may have brought the elements of marksmanship and trigger drills to the masses, he certainly didn’t invent them. The problem with skip loading is that most shooters have not been instructed on how to do it properly, and with a modern service pistol, ignorant skip loading quickly degenerates into a sloppy failure to fire malfunction clearance drill. The beautiful thing about proper skip loading is that it can help stretch your ammo budget and range sessions while making novice shooters good and good shooters even better.

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