About Raymond Piedra

Raymond Piedra currently serves with a large state agency in Southern California, previously serving in the US Marine Corps. Raymond has been assigned to patrol, served as a Field Training Officer, Special Response Team Member (Grenadier), Simunitions Instructor, Weapons Inspector, Less Lethal Shotgun Instructor, Taser Instructor and Rangemaster. Raymond has been assigned to gang suppression and assisted with various officer safety training methods and implementations.

2016: Time to Step It Up


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Putting in some training at home with Next Level Training’s SIRT 110.

“I don’t get to the range as often as I’d like,” I hear that a lot these days. Sometimes it’s an honest statement, sometimes it’s an excuse for errors made during qualification courses. If you carry a weapon in any capacity, you owe it to yourself to be proficient. Proficiency can’t be measured with, “good enough to pass quals”. Most basic weapons training is what the title states, “basic”, that includes police academies and basic military training. If you are content with that title, you will never advance in weapons training. Those of us who have attended additional courses should encourage others to do so.

Today we are fortunate to have a lot of very good instructors to choose from; we certainly don’t have a shortage of them. Do your homework and take outside training. During the course of instruction take notes, if you are able to record the class on video even better. Be sure to check with the instructor staff ahead of time to see if video will be permitted. You can reference the material and practice in the convenience of your garage to reinforce what you have learned. Continue reading