Over the past several months I have been putting the M&P Shield in 9mm through its paces on the range, and while it is not quite as shootable as a Glock 19, it is capable of good accuracy out to 25 yards, and the stock trigger is pretty workable. It’s not as fast or easy to shoot as the G19, and you lose half the capacity. However, in return for that sacrifice in shootability and firepower, you do get a concealable little pistol that you can carry in environments or clothing that may not conceal a bigger pistol. Yes, ideally I recommend dressing around gun carry, but sometimes that isn’t an option. Continue reading
Category Archives: Gear
Borka Tool Kit/ Torque Wrench
While not nearly as sexy as a new rifle, pistol, optic, or other fancy accessory, tools are a very necessary part of any shooting sport. This is especially true of sports requiring scopes and all the mounting options that accompany them. Usually along with any number of required items that I dump into my bag for the day, is a good tool kit which has a tendency to be much bigger then it probably needs to be. Continue reading
BEWARE- Not All Camouflage Paints Are The Same.
I like painted guns. I like to use my guns. A good combination? Depends on the paint. Continue reading
Upgrade Options for Your Old Flashlight
Recently I attended Hardwired Tactical Shooting’s “Low Light Pistol” class. I brought along my long time carry Surefire C2 to illuminate the way for me so to speak. I had long ago upgraded from the original 65 lumen incandescent bulb to an 80 lumen SF P60L-WH LED. Sixty-five lumens was, to quote the ad, “retina searing”, back in the day. Several other students brought along some of the newest high output offerings available. I had light envy and feelings of inadequacy almost immediately. It was clear, more light was better. Continue reading
Review- VG6 Precision Gamma Muzzle Brake
I am a new guy when it comes to muzzle brakes. I’ve spent my career shooting “whatever” came on the end of the rifle. And that “whatever” has always came in the form of a good old fashion A2 flash hider. Continue reading
Quick Look: Do It Yourself Pinned Gas Block
For a working gun, I am a big proponent of pinning the gas block to the barrel. Yes, there are excellent factory guns, such as those offered by LaRue Tactical, that attach the gas block via set screw. Having been at the LaRue shop more than once, I can say that their QC methods are better than 99% of anyone slapping together rifles in their garage. I have not seen a LaRue OBR or Stealth come apart at the gas block, but I have seen gas blocks on other rifles work their way loose on the range. These days, gas blocks are typically hidden underneath an extended hand guard and checking the set screws for tightness is not easy. Suffice it to say, for a gun that I am building myself, I want my gas blocks pinned.
REVIEW: HiTS Fixed Blade Knife by Joe Watson
The Joe Watson HiTS Knife is a collaboration between knifemaker and former Army Infantryman Joe Watson and noted tactical trainer, author, and former Police Officer Darryl Bolke. To really understand the HiTS Knife you need to know the history behind it.
Enter Darryl Bolke, AKA DB. Anyone in the tactical knife community will recognize “DB” as one of Strider Knives bread and butter fixed blades. Based on his experience on the job, DB wanted a knife that could fit in the 5×8 trauma plate pocket of his concealable vest so it is not viewable or accessible by anyone but him.
Airsoft for Training?
Just the mention of the word “airsoft” and it will evoke images of an overweight mama’s boy fully covered in Multicam nylon manufactured and imported from your favorite third world country. In this article, it is my aim to critically examine whether or not the airsoft pistol has any place in serious training, or if it must permanently be relegated to a spot in an adolescent’s toy closet.
First Look: ID Target Systems
We have come a long way since the B-27 target, a staple used in law enforcement qualifications since what seems like the beginning of time. Fortunately, we have evolved past that target that features unrealistic targeting zones that reinforce bad habits in shot placement. Before I go any further, I feel the need to mention that I use different targets for different goals. For building specific technical skills, I will use simple targets such as a bullseye, round or square plates, etc., These targets aren’t designed to simulate a tactical application, but rather, evaluate whether or not I meet a particular accuracy standard. For “tactical” type training, I prefer targets that feature scoring zones located in realistic areas such as the ocular cavity or high thoracic chest. No more shooting at the navel to get 10 points. Here, we will be discussing targets for tactical type training. Continue reading
JRC Holsters
Recently I have been using several holsters and magazine pouches from JRC Holsters. As much as I am a big user of kydex and synthetic holsters for service and duty use, I am a huge leather snob and prefer leather for concealed carry. I began seeing some of the holsters on an online pistol forum and I was intrigued enough to call and talk to the owner. It turns out that I had actually known the owner, Jim Ryan, from the days when he was part of a well know suppressor and class 3 company. I used to talk to Jim at the Soldier of Fortune Conventions “back in the day”. Continue reading
Click on the image to see the Eleven 10 Gear home page.
The company makes/sells tourniquet cases, medical pouches, kits, and related supplies. LE agency, military unit (the backgrounds of the company’s founders), and related individual purchases account for almost all of their sales. From their website:
“When we started to develop the prototypes for our new product line, we had a decision to make … Overseas production or USA production. Even though we could of made more profit having everything manufactured overseas, we decided keeping everything here was more important. All of our products are manufactured in Cleveland, Ohio with US made materials. We keep hearing that manufacturing in the States is dead, we beg to differ. Designed, prototyped, tested and manufactured all locally. Even our packaging is printed in Cleveland!” Continue reading
The Modified Glock
Glocks tend to run great out of the box. They are reliable, and accurate. I have a friend who shoots a lot of 3 gun and IDPA with a completely stock Glock 17 with the plastic sights, and does it well. Some folks like to simply change out of the plastic “filler” sights that come stock, for aftermarket sights such as 10-8’s.
I like my Glocks a bit more modified. Above is a brand new Gen4 G19 that is a recent acquisition. The gun shot great out of the box, but there are changes that I like to make for my own benefit. Continue reading
Review: Mike Pannone M16, AR15, and HK 416 Handbooks
I’ve been following Mike Pannone through his writings and videos on the Internet for quite some time now. I enjoy his no-nonsense, performance based approach to training. His drills are challenging and rooted in reality. I particularly like his 15 in 10 Drill, which pushes the limits of speed while keeping a tight accuracy standard. This past SHOT Show, I ran into Mike in one of the hallways and had a nice chat with him. While this was the first time we had met in person, I felt like we were chatting like two old shooting buddies. His real world experience is significant (look it up), but Mike also has a solid grasp of the industry, and therefore understands the pros and cons of each weapon system. Hilton recently attended Mike’s Covert Carry Class and keeps telling me how I have missed out by not yet taking the opportunity to get on the range with Mike. Continue reading
I previously noted in an MSW post the return of The Police Marksman. You can read/download the latest issue, eBook style here. In addition to the long running “Officer Down” column (the John Schoen incident), the current issue has articles on the XDM 5.25, shooting competition, use of extended magazines, and learning the mechanical offset of lasers. Every issue contains good stuff for LEOs; the subscription price cannot be beat, so there is no $$$ excuse for not reading.
At the end of part one, I suggested a solo intervenor’s mission is driven by two goals: (1) Interrupting, containing, and deactivating the active killer, and; (2) communicating and identifying oneself as the “good guy” so victims, witnesses, and responding LEOs do not mistake an intervenor (you) for the active killer. I didn’t suggest which of the two was more important. That depends on the intervenor’s own analysis of the SHOULD and MUST. I also purposely failed to mention something obvious: Time spent on the second goal delays implementation of the first, thereby diminishing the chance of an earlier, more lives saved intervention. Continue reading